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Festive Tabletop

Core Professional Qualities

  • Thorough Analysis

  • Active Listening

  • Effective Counseling

  • Problem Solving

  • Compassionate Presence

  • Multilingual and Culturally Sensitive

Professional Growth Goals of Lifelong Learning

Goals within the next year:

  1. Pass the RD exam within 2 months of completing my internship

  2. Obtain a full-time clinical or community dietitian entry-level position within 6 months of completing my internship


  1. Study at least 10 hours weekly until I take the RD exam; use Jean Inman, Pocket Prep, and CDR practice test study materials

  2. Search for job opportunities in my area and prepare for interviews; update résumé and LinkedIn 


  1. Schedule time away from other obligations and distractions to study

  2. Apply for job opportunities in my areas of interest


  1. Passing the RD exam will allow me to earn the RD credential and work as a dietitian

  2. A full-time position will allow me to gain valuable experience in the field and develop professional skills


  1. By June 28, 2023

  2. By October 28, 2023

Goals within the next five years:

  1. Work as a clinical dietitian in the ICU

  2. Stay up to date on the latest nutrition research


  1. Work as an inpatient clinical dietitian and be responsible for at least 3 nutrition support patients on a weekly basis to gain experience

  2. Read at least 3 nutrition-related, peer-reviewed research articles each month


  1. Apply for and obtain a position as a clinical dietitian that covers the ICU

  2. Read research articles during the workday or over the weekend; consider becoming a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


  1. Working in the ICU will increase my confidence and experience providing nutrition care to critically ill patients and fulfill one of my professional goals

  2. Keeping up with the latest nutrition research will allow me to provide more effective care as a dietitian


  1. By April 2028

  2. By April 2028

Value of Preceptorship

Preceptors provide invaluable support to students in their dietetic training. As a student, I have benefited greatly from their experience and expertise in my field. I have been able to develop my professional skills with their supervision and guidance, and I am truly thankful for their patience and kindness as I navigated the more hands-on aspects of my education. I am now considering becoming a preceptor myself in order to give back and help the next generation of dietitians.

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